Friday, April 20, 2012

Dusk's Goat Friend

Dusk has a strange desire to be friends with anything with four legs, this includes all dogs no matter the breed or size, cats and oddly enough goats...At our house we are staying at during my co-op there are several goats that live behind us. Anytime they are out Dusk feels it is necessary to howl at the one small little goat that seems to really like him. This little guy will hear Dusk go outside and as soon as he does the little guy comes running to the fence and just stands there and stares at Dusk. Strangely even though Dusk howls his cute little beagle bark at him the goat doesn't run away in fear, but if I walk even semi close to him he runs... which makes me come to the conclusion that the goat and Dusk are friends... Check out the videos of him and the goats!

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