Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thankful Series (Part 1)

       This month I am going to do a series of  post on the things I am thankful for. I love the idea of the thankful post on Facebook, but lets be honest not everyone wants to read every single day what everyone of their not-so-close Facebook friends are thankful for and why. So I have decided to instead post the five things I am most thankful for every five days, for the entire month of November. I will post November 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th. This way if anyone is interested in reading what I am thankful for they can follow these post, and if not they will not be bothered by it on my Facebook page everyday, they will just see a link to my blog every five days! So alas my first Thankful Series Post:

      I am thankful for the educational opportunities I have been given.  I was never told when I was younger that I had to go to college, or that my parents expected me to have straight A's. Rather my parents instilled in me the self-drive and determination that made me want more in life. I made the decision to go to college, to pursue a degree in Engineering. However I will be forever grateful and thankful to everyone who encouraged me to take this path. My parents for raising me to appreciate knowledge and education and for supporting my decision and letting me decide for myself.  Teachers for instilling and feeding my drive, as well as helping me narrow down my major. My fiance for encouraging me and praising me when I do well. I cannot believe I only have one more semester left until I officially have my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering!

           I am thankful to have found my supportive and loving soul mate so early in life. I can't believe that we are going to be husband and wife in less than a year! I am beyond excited for that day, but until then I am looking forward to each day we have to spend together. Our journey has been a whirlwind, and I am thankful for every part of it. We have obviously had our ups and downs, like any normal couple but we wouldn't be anywhere near as strong as we are now without our trials over the years. I am proud of where we are, and I am so thankful that we are were we are now. My fiance is the kindest, most genuine person I have ever met, I couldn't imagine my life without him!

I am thankful that we have the ability to support and provide for ourselves. I am proud of Cole and I to have to ability to be able to live on our own, and pay our bills without aid. I am also very thankful that Cole works full time to support us, so I can focus on finishing my degree without the added stress of working part time. We have found a great balance, and for that I am thankful! The last four years of my college experience I have had to balance work with school, and I must say it is much easier to focus on grades this year.

I am thankful to have the love and comfort of my sweet fur babies. I love my dog, Dusk. He has truly been a joy in my life. While Cole and I were living apart he was my only company on many nights. Dusk is my workout buddy, he loves running with me, and playing fetch. Dusk and I have a very strong bond, and I am thankful for his companionship and love. Cali, Cole's dog now lives with us too. I couldn't be more grateful to have her. She is the ying to Dusk's yang. They are brother and sister, and seriously couldn't be any different. Cali is a sweet shy girl, that loves giving kisses. She and Dusk love playing together, and I love watching it!

Lastly I am grateful for the abilities I was granted by god. Creatively, physically and mentally. I love that I can spend all day solving difficult math or engineering problems then come home and calm my mind through painting, photography, blogging or running. It amazes me how easily I can take these simple abilities for granted. I know that none of these are guaranteed, therefor I am thankful for them all.

What are you grateful for?


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