Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thankful Series (Part 2)

           The past five days have been a whirlwind. 
Have you had a week like that lately?
Where everything is due, and there is so much to look forward to after its done? 
I had a paper due Friday, and after that was done the weekend has been so fun!
the five things I am most thankful for over the past five days:

1. I am so very thankful to have an amazing relationship with my mom. I am also just as thankful for the fact that she wants to be involved in my life. My mom is nothing but supportive, encouraging, and loving. I am grateful that I can talk to my mom about anything, weather it be for advice, to vent or just to catch up and chat. My mom truly has become one of my best friends, and I can't imagine my life without her. 

2. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to attend the Florida Georgia Line! My mom was amazing and bought tickets for all of us to go. It was such a great time, being spent with two of the most important people in my life! It was definitely a night I will never forget! (Thanks Mom!) 

3. I am thankful to have a kitchen, and all the needed utensils to practice my cooking skills. I enjoy cooking, and I love baking! I am grateful to have a fiance that is willing to try out my first attempts. This weekend I tried my hand at making homemade cube steak (Cole's favorite meal)! It was definitely a challenge because his grandma and grandpa make the best cube steak. 

4. I am thankful that Cole and I won a contest that provides us with our wedding photographer, Kaity. It truly has been a blessing, and not for the obvious reason. Our photographer has been nothing short of amazing, and every time we have met to talk to her, or shoot with her we have had a blast, laughing and acting up. I seriously don't think we could have found a better photographer!!! If you are looking for a photographer in Columbia, SC or the surrounding area you should check her out at Very Important Date Photography!  

5. I am thankful for my fiance's help with all this wedding planning. Cole has truly been amazing with all the planning. Unlike most guys, he has been there every step of the way to help me make decision, or give me his opinion. I honestly don't know what I would do if he weren't so hands on and helpful. He has even been helping me with a lot of the DIY aspects of our wedding! He is amazing!!! 

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