Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Skunk is A Skunk...

             This past weekend Dusk had Cole's entire family in stitches laughing. You see at our home Dusk only has a few toys. He gets one stuffed animal, and a few balls. At Cole's parents house they basically have a toy chest full of doggie toys. Dusk is basically in doggie heaven. Through out the weekend I had to follow behind Dusk and pick up the toys that Dusk had joyfully strewn throughout the house. Sunday Cole and I noticed Dusk kept pulling out and playing with the same toy, a skunk with two squeakers. There were several other toys that were exactly like that one, just different animals...and Dusk wanted no part of that. All he wanted was the skunk. So, Cole decided he was gonna put to toys back up. Directly after he did Dusk pranced right over to the toy box and pulled "his" skunk out...right away. Cole promptly took the toy back and put it up, but this time he buried it under a couple toys in the box. Dusk went back over to the box a second later, pulled out a few toys and swiftly dragged "his" skunk back out...without a second thought about the other toys. By this point the whole family was standing around, all eyes on Dusk. Out of curiosity Cole dumped the whole toy box, which was at least 20 toys, put the skunk on the bottom, and piled all the other toys back in the toy box. To our surprise, Dusk waltzed right on over to the toy box, shoved his little nose in the box and dragged "his" skunk right out of the box, no other toys were pulled out during his last hunt for "his" skunk. His determination to have that toy was quite the entertainment that night!

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