Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Break Recap

      If you keep up with my blog then you know how busy I have been this semester with school, so spring break was very long awaited, and much, much needed. I used spring break for exactly that, a break. I didn't make any huge plans, I didn't travel to some exotic place...Cole and I just went to Atlanta for the weekend and I just went to Columbia for the rest of break.

Cole and I drove down to Atlanta, to visit my Aunt and Uncle. I have been going down a good bit for wedding dress appointments, but Cole hadn't been down in a while so it was nice for all of us to get together! My sister, from Ohio, was down in Atlanta for a conference for her PhD program with her youngest daughter, and my mom was in town to help out with my niece. So we basically had a mini family vacay in Atlanta! It was so great to see my sister, and niece especially since Cole and I don't get to see them too much. We also ate at some delicious places while we were there, like always! We ate at a delicious mexican restaurant, got amazing cheesecake and cannolis from a bakery near my aunt and uncle's place, and of course we had to eat at the cheesecake factory!

 I had a full on girls week in Columbia, and it was exactly what I needed. I stayed with my bestie all week. Our week consisted of binge watching Netflix, taking our dogs to yappy hour, going to Charleston for a girls day, closing the bar on pint night at the local bar, and taking our doggies for walks. It literally was the perfect mix between relaxation and fun. It was just what I needed. I am very glad I got to take a full on break from school, I didn't touch anything over break!

Dusk decided he needed to roll around in the grass after our walk

Me and my sweet boy after our long walk at the RiverWalk in Columbia

Unfortunately I am back in full swing at school and my to do list is growing. only 4 weeks of school after this week, so it's down to the wire.

Friday, March 7, 2014


I am super stoked that Poppies, Puppies and Pearls has reached over 4000 views. I really appreciate all the support. I am looking forward to growing the blog some more. Thank you soooo much for reading!!!

5TF {Post 5}

These past few weeks have been rather hectic, and full of school work so my 5TF posts have been sort of put on the back burner because I haven't had time to discover 5 things to love each week. So with out further adieu my 5TF:

1. Publix Italian White Bread Loaf- Ohhh my gosh. Cole and I picked up a loaf of Italian white bread from publix the other day in the bakery section. When I grabbed it I thought it was already I was a tad disappointed when I went to make a sandwich then next morning. However that disappointment melted away as soon as I took the first bite of my sandwich at lunch. Literally the best store bought bread I have ever was soft, flavorful, and sturdy enough to make it half a day stuffed in my purse. Definitely worth the extra two seconds in the morning to cut a few slices, and the slight price increase from our normal bread purchase. I am pretty sure we will be buying it from now on. Cole even liked fact he told me today he was looking forward to lunch today because his sandwich was so good the last time.

2. Pandora- It has literally been my savior for the past few weeks. I reListening to music helps me focus on my work, and keeps me from getting board when I am stuck working on a project for forever. I have been listening to Pandora non-stop! I especially like my Chicago (the musical) station because musical music is just so lively and upbeat it keeps me positive, when I am cranking out a paper at 5 am because I procrastinated and didn't start it til midnight the day it was due.

3.Ice Cream- Lets be serious, when I get stressed out my craving always seems to be ice cream. My fiance was amazing, and bought me some Ben & Jerry's...that some what hit the spot. Some what?! yeah I know Ben & Jerry's is the bomb dot com, but in all honestly my favorite, favorite ice cream is from a small ice cream shop here in Clemson (there is also one in Greenville) called Spill the Beans. No store bought ice cream will compare to the vanilla ice cream with brownies and marshmallows from spill the beans! It's sooooooo goooooood!  I got my fix a few days ago, thanks to my sweet thang....and it was amazing! (Do I sound like an addict? I'm a bit concerned that I may be...)

4. Wedding Crafts- Last weekend I spent Saturday painting some crafts, I am really looking forward to sharing all the DIYs for our wedding once our big day has passed. (I'm gonna have a bit of a rant, I really do not like when girls share every detail of their weddings before their wedding. I know it is super exciting to see all your ideas come together, but wouldn't you rather surprise your guests when they get your invitations/save the dates in the mail, and impress them when they walk into a beautifully decorated venue? I just would rather wait and have our guests see our full vision, on our special day)

5. Last Vegas- Cole and I watched Last Vegas this past weekend and it was so hilarious! I am a  Morgan Freeman fan, so I am a bit biased, but I think anyone would enjoy Last Vegas. It has a good story line, good characters and good humor.