Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hectic Lifestyle

Cole and I are currently caught in a whirlwind of life, lots of traveling the past few weekends. Between working full time, trying to keep the house picked up and clean, we are in the midst of painting a large portion of  the house, and attempting to keep up with laundry, I am a little behind on editing photos and updating posts.

Last Wednesday Cole and I trucked it all the way across NC to head to the Outer Banks to meet up with my family to spend the rest of the week enjoying the ocean breeze with the whole family and exploring with my sister and her family.  I am excited to write up a post all about that, and sharing a bunch of photos from that so be on the look outs for that. If you want a sneak peak check out my insta profile @staceylconner . I hope you all are having a wonderful week, I will catch up with you soon.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Life Update {I'm Back!}

So my last post was literally almost six months ago...and that was not by choice! I have had the same laptop since Junior year of high school, aka it was a dinosaur, and in February it officially bit the dust, and succumbed to a virus I think it had been fighting for a while! So unfortunately my blog got put on the back burner...cause I honestly had no way of posting, unless I used my phone which would be all but impossible.

So instead of just purchasing a cheap replacement computer right away, I decided to hold off, and put away a little bit of money as often as I could so I could splurge and buy myself a good computer I could use for my blog and my photography editing.  And as you can see I am back in the blogging world, which means I have made the leap, and bought myself the computer of my dreams!!! I just about had a stroke because I spent that much money at one time, but I am so happy I made the purchase! I am beyond excited to jump head first back into photography and blogging!

Stay tuned, cause I will be continuing to update the blog with all the fun things that haven't been shown/discussed on here over the past 6 months....I am such a failure. ha,

Friday, February 27, 2015

5TF (Post #7)

This week has been a weird was pretty uneventful. Well lets get started with the 5 big things for this week.

1. Snow...jk
The weatherman hyped up that a winter storm would hit South Carolina (actually, the whole south) Wednesday night. Were we live was supposed to get a "ton" of snow....which in the south is considered around 4"-8". Well we ended up getting maybe a maximum of two inches, all of which was already melted by the time I got off of work Thursday. So unfortunately playing in the snow was nonexistent.

2. Dusk and Cali turned 7!
Dusk and Cali's birthday was this week. For those of you who are new to the blog. No my husband and I do not have children, at least not human ones. Dusk and Cali are our fur babies. My parents dog had a litter of puppies when I was in high school and I kept Dusk, and I gave Cali to Cole for his birthday. Now our sweet little babies are SEVEN years old!! It is crazy, that they have been a part of our lives for so long, they have brought so much happiness and laughter to our lives. I wish we could keep them young forever, thankfully they still act like crazy hyper little pups. 

3. I miss dance...
This past weekend my mom and I surprised one of my really good friends (she's literally like my little sister) at her dance competition. I am so glad we went, and it was awesome to see her dance again...I haven't seen her dance in at least 3 year. However watching all the choreography that weekend really has me missing dance. I miss choreographing, and I wish I had access to a space to dance and choreograph in. 

4. Breaking Bad
Cole and I started watching Breaking Bad last weekend, and from the first few episodes we weren't sure if we were really that into it...but this week we have been watching it non-stop. We are really bad about binge watching this is the most recent choice. (Our last show we binge watched was Bates Motel, before that was The Following...The Following is hands down my favorite out of the last three shows we have watched)

5. Pintrest
Cole and I are in the very early stages of a new adventure in our lives...and what better place to get inspiration than Pintrest?! haha. but seriously. I have rediscovered my love for pintrest! Also, once everything is official and finalized for this adventure I promise I will be sharing more about it. Sorry for the little teaser...but stay tuned! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

5TF is back!!

          Since I am getting back into the swing of things, and trying to get back into regularly blogging I am bring back the old Five Things Friday posts. If you haven't read the previous 5FTs the posts are basically a summary of five things that are relevant to my life right now, that I think are worth noting on here, weather it be a life milestone, a current obsession or a viral video I saw this week. So lets go ahead and jump into this Friday's five things.

This week has been abnormally cold, like upstate South Carolina got in the single digits almost every evening this week...we even got a small ice storm Monday afternoon, the picture above may look like snow but it is literally all ICE. So this week I have been been wearing my fur lined moccasin slippers, or my 3 button "ugg" boots...and I have been putting all our fuzzy soft throw blankets around the house to good use.  So my 1st THING is warm fuzzy things to make these frigid nights a little more bearable. 

This Valentines was  our first Valentine's day being married and my love surprised me good, with my new beautiful Orchid, this sweet gesture was definitely one of the highlights of this week! 

I mentioned the other week that I really wanted to eventually get an orchid, because I think they are sooo pretty. My love actually spent the morning working on a vehicle for a friend so imagine my surprise when I opened our front door for him in the afternoon to see beautiful purple orchids. To top it off another bud bloomed today! I don't exactly have a green thumb...actually I don't even have little inkling of a green thumb so I was very excited to see it bloom more as the week has gone on.

Our "Valentine's Date" was definitely a favorite of the week. It was very impromptu. I mad us some spaghetti squash chicken Alfredo, and my lovie and I binge watched Bates Motel....and also drank a few bottles of wine and ate some double chocolate cookies (you know the chocolate dough ones with chocolate chips!? my fave!)....We really enjoyed having a little date night at home, where we didn't have to deal with the crowds out on the town, or spending a ridiculous amount of money.  

Our fur babies have been in a realm of absolute hyperness this week, Dusk especially. He has been antagonizing Cali, running through the house drifting around the corners of the hardwood floors through the house, and acting like a Tazmanian devil rolling around our bed. The video above was one afternoon when we were playing around with him. He was going crazy on our bed, and we covered him with the comforter to see what he would do since he was so hyper... it was rather entertaining. 

Google Chromecast is a serious favorite in our household right now. We watch Netflix and Youtube on our TV on the daily... So much so that we basically don't even use our cable anymore. In fact we are thinking about dropping our cable that is how little we watch it. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Life Reinvented

Jeez, I can't believe I haven't posted in so long. I have a tendency to slip from posting when life gets busy, and that's exactly what happened again. However this time is because I have been caught up in a whirlwind and it has totally transitioned my life.

Last time I posted I was a fresh doe-eyed college graduate, counting down the days til I married the love of my life, and I was casually looking for a job while I stressed about planning the wedding of our dreams and spent as much time with family as I could while I had the unlimited free time. 

I am now employed full-time, in my degree field, at a company that I absolutely love. To top that off my job gives me the opportunity to use my creative side, and mess with Photoshop! I work with great guys, I started in August and I already feel like I have been there forever. 

I am a married woman now, My love and I officially tied the knot September 20th 2014! We dreamed of our wedding day for years and reality was a million times better than anything we could have ever dreamed of. Our wedding day was amazing. We were surrounded by so much love, the people in our life that helped shape and cultivate our marriage, and it was amazing to have everyone there to support us and celebrate such a huge step in our lives.

After our wedding we went on an amazing 11 day honeymoon. We spent three days in Puerto Rico and then got on a cruise for 7 days. We stopped in St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Kitts, St. Marteen and St. Lucia. We had an absolute our 7+ years together our honeymoon was our first vacation alone...we normally choose to spend our vacation time with our family or some of our good friends. It  was refreshing to spend get out and explore together. We loved it!! I have a boatload of photos to share at some point!

Once we got back into the swing of life after or trip we got launched right into the holiday season. It proved to be a busy one. We got to spend thanksgiving with my mans family in Charlotte. We hustled up to Ohio to my sister's house on Christmas Eve and we got to watch our niece's and baby nephew enjoy Christmas morning, which was an amazing experience. It was awesome!! 

It has been hectic but my love and I are trying our best to change our dietary lifestyle as well. We have basically removed all frozen foods and processed foods from our diet...when we go to the grocery store we try and stick to fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh seafood, meats and dairy. We basically just shop the perimeter of the grocery store. We still indulge in tasty foods, but we are cooking at home a lot more, and are cooking a lot healthier.

I look forward to see how our lives will change over the next few months. Updates will follow on here. I plan to get more regular with postings!