Friday, February 28, 2014

The Calm After the Storm

           A requirement of most engineering degrees at Clemson is the completion of a design course. I am currently taking the Civil Engineering design course, also known as Capstone, this semester. I kid you not, 100% of the grades in Capstone are decided on completing different aspects of the project, 75% being just the final report and presentation of the final report. Basically the project is designed to be a simpler version of a design project that encompasses all aspects of our major. As a group of four our team has to design a building, design the transportation aspects of the site, plan the storm water management for the site and complete all the construction estimates and scheduling for the project. 

           Thursday was our groups due date for our preliminary design, and we worked our butts off to finish the project on time. The past couple of weeks have been filled with late nights, panic attacks, skipped classes and a notorious all-nighter. for example we have to turn in weekly time cards, just like we would in the real world, and this week our time card read that as a group we worked over 110 hours. Needless to say our group has been working around the clock on this project, not having much time to think about anything else. We finished our project in time and turned it in, it was a few minutes late due to lab issues - the lab needs to invest in more hole punchers that work and better printers. We were all a little disappointed that it was late, but relieved that we had it finished and turned in. 

           The sense of relief that washes over me after turning in that huge project (it ended up being around 60+ pages) is refreshing, it was somewhat comparable to the whole "Calm after the storm" phenomena. I literally haven't had time to take a break and breath working up to the due date, and I was stressing, panicing and working around the clock and so when I got home after lab I felt like I was finally free, and I was calm, relaxed and exhausted. I had worked on the project through the night wednesday night so I hadn't slept in over 24 hours. I literally ate lunch, then took a nap when I got home yesterday around noon. I didn't wake up until Cole got home at 6pm, and then we went to bed around 10 and I slept through the night. I guess you could say I am a bit sleep deprived...I slept 15 hours, and I am still tired. 

              The past few weeks, with the project looming heavily over me it was all but impossible to keep the blog up to date. I plan on posting a life update and a puppy update tomorrow.

 Until then Happy Friday! 

Monday, February 17, 2014


       I need to apologize for being off the blog so much. My last semester in college is picking up and due dates are starting to pile on. All the snow and ice we got last week didn't help much either. School was cancelled for two days down here, making my school schedule a whole lot crazier when we finally got back to school. My design project is getting pretty heavy, so as I type this my goal is to continue to blog through out the semester. It will most likely not be as frequently, but blog keeps me somewhat sane so I will most likely check in here and there. I do plan on posting soon about our winter "Blizzard", and Valentine's day. So keep your eyes peeled for those posts. They will most likely be in the next few days! Much love, and thank you for all your support!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Dusk {and Cali} Update

I haven't written a Puppies post in a while and a lot has been going on lately with Dusk, as well as Cali (Dusk's sister) So some random updates that come to mind right this moment, along with some photos of the babies.

1. The babies got to play in snow, which is a rarity down here.
                Dusk loved it, Cali just sat in it. 

2. Dusk has turned into a "Watch Dog"
which really means, he likes to stick his head under the blinds to look out the window
Oh, and grumbles at any loud vehicle that passes by, 
and Dad (aka Cole) any time he comes home. 

3. They were boarded in Clemson for the first time a few weekends ago. 
Cole said they were fine, until they realized he was leaving, 
they apparently had a mini-meltdown. 
they were very very excited to be back home at the end of the weekend.

4. Dusk is Hyperactive
It's worse when he gets to go for a run with me,
we come home and he basically is bouncing off the walls. 
He also loves to squeak his obnoxious balls
and lick his water bowl 
and barks a lot more on days he gets to run.

5. Cali has found her voice...
She will now bark if we ask her if she wants to go out, 
or if she really wants dinner.

6. They are to cutest cuddle buddies ever
with each other ,
and with me!

5TF {Five Things Friday-Post 4}

    Man is it me or is February flying by already...How is Valentines day only 7 days away?!
Regardless it time for another 5TF (Five Things Friday!) This week feels like it has flown by, but at the same time it feels like last Friday was FOREVERRR ago. So I have been a bit hazy on what I could include in this weeks 5TF post, but I think I have rounded up a few things! 

1. SuperBowl Sunday- OK lets be honest this years Super Bowl SUCKED. Seriously, what Championship game should end with one team winning by over 30 points...I lost interest in the game pretty quickly. Luckily Cole and I were at a Super Bowl get together that was an absolute blast. I was too busy stuffing my face, joking around and talking with people to even care that the game stunk. I personally did however like the halftime show, well because I love Bruno Mars and Red Hot Chili Peppers!

2. Statement Necklaces-I am loving statement necklaces right now. Probably because I just got several new ones in the last couple weeks. I have been wearing them almost every day. My favorite right now is the one in the photo above. I am obsessed with how it lays on my neck, the color and the size of it, which is odd because I normally am not a huge fan of really big statement necklaces. I love statement necklaces though because they add the perfect little extra something that every necklace needs.

3. The Walking Dead- I am late jumping on this bandwagon and it was a total spur of the moment thing. Sunday Cole and I were sitting at home killing time before we went to the Super Bowl Party we went to and stumbled upon the Zombie Bowl Marathon that AMC was showing. We caught it at the beginning of season one, so we figured we would watch it to see what the hype was about. I must say, I now see and understand the general hype, and obsession of it.  Watching that first episode led to us watching three episodes that day, and recording the rest of the marathon. I would say we are officially obsessed with it. We have been watching a few episodes every day this week...I feel like we have been couch zombies, glued to the TV. I would say it is almost as bad as our obsession with Sons of Anarchy...ALMOST.

4. Polka Dots- I literally wore polka dots twice this week. I am loving them right now. They are girly, youthful but not childish looking . They add subtle texture and contrast to a plain outfit. The blazer above I got at Target on sale, it was around $25 and I would say it is totally worth it. I am planning to wear it with a black dress for interviews, presentations and job fairs and of course with jeans and tees randomly to class. It is super versatile.

5. Dance Competition Videos on YouTube- Every now and then I catch myself really missing dancing and competing, so I love to go on YouTube and watching videos of Competition dances. I love watching them, they are so artistic and the dancers are amazingly strong and talented. I probably shouldn't watch them because they make me miss dance even more.