Monday, June 25, 2012

And the Birthday Festivities Begin!

           This past weekend was awesome, but very very busy! 

            Friday night Cole and I were planning on spending the night hanging out with Cole's buddy that is in the Coast Guard because he and his girlfriend were leaving soon and it was going to be the last time we would see her and get to actually hang out with both of them. Needless to say us hanging out turned into us inviting other people to come over and hang out, and well the night went on til about 4:30 in the morning. I have photos from that night, but they are on the camera that is at Cole's house so I will have to update them on here soon. 

          Saturday was full of lots of Birthday events. We got up pretty early and had breakfast with all the friends that stayed over Friday night. Then Cole and I went and met up with some friends at our buddy Brooks' house. When we got there we all went and got lunch together and headed to meet up with Brooks' wife, Andrea at her parents house to celebrate her birthday. We spend the day sipping on cocktails, playing an hilarious game of volleyball in the pool and tubing out on the lake. Cole and I had to leave the party early though cause we had my family birthday dinner to go to. We met my family, his family and some close friends at Copper River Grill for dinner. We had a really good time, it was great to spend some time with my family and so close friends that I don't get to see very often. Again I have photos, some pretty hilarious ones, butttt they are on my moms camera so I am going to have to updated them later too! haha. I know I'm slack. Anyways dinner was delicious and I had a delicious birthday cake that my brother picked out, it was raspberry flavored icing and was soooooo YUMMY! I got some very, very nice gifts and some very sentimental cards that made the dinner even more special! After we got done with dinner and dessert Cole and I took his little brother home with us because he spent the night over at Cole's house. We ended up going back over to Andrea's parents' house, where Cole's brother Cameron swam with all the boys and us girls had some girl time/girl talk. Then we all ate some of Andrea's birthday dessert her mom made for her, it was a great end to a fantastic day. 

                Sunday I spent the day shopping with my mom, while Cole and Cameron spent the day playing video games and kayaking. Mom and I found a ton of shoes on sale, and lots of jewelry. Cole and I and a whole bunch of my friends are going down to Charleston this Friday to celebrate my 21st birthday so she helped me find some cute stuff to wear with my birthday dress. And of course we looked at other things and bought a bunch of cute stuff. I got a pair of Coach tennis shoes that were originally $118 for under $50! Mom and I are bargain shoppers, we very rarely buy anything at full price. When mom and I got done shopping we met Cole and his brother and his parents for dinner and ended up going to get frozen yogurt afterwards. I had a cup of strawberry yogurt with frutti pebbles (don't knock it til you try it!) and fresh fruit in it. Then my weekend came to an end and I drove back to work Monday morning. Thankfully I am only working three days this week because of the big trip this weekend! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Silly Little Pup....

The Last Couple of Weeks....

     I have been SERIOUSLY slack, and it has been insanely busy. The last couple of weeks have been packed with a ton of events and milestones. So this post will probably be pretty lengthy....I hope you enjoy!

     My brother is officially out of the Army, well he is no longer active duty! He came home two weeks ago after road tripping with my dad and my cousin, Ron, all the way from Washington. Cole and I got to go and spend a night out with him and Ron. We ended up going to eat at Zesto's (a local burger/fried chicken joint) and went to see several bands preform at New Brooklyn Tavern...that place is literally a hole in the wall but it was definitely a good time. Cole and I are planning on going up to Pittsburgh to visit them in August and I am really looking forward to it! 
      The next day one of my best friends from high school got married! :) Cole and I got up early and drove four hours to Durham to watch him marry his lovely bride. My friend and his wife had been together for a very long time but since we live so far apart I had never officially met her, so I FINALLY got to meet her. They are absolutely adorable together and I am so happy they are now officially Mr. and Mrs.! Funny story about their reception.... it was in the parish hall of the church they were married in but they were able to serve wine. Cole went up to get a glass of wine for the two of us, and I kid you not the lady serving the wine carded him. Haha, he's got such a baby attractive one at that. A kind little lady at the reception sat down and talked with us for a while about a bunch of things...the bride and groom, the food, Boston, the south....well anyways Cole got up to get both of us some more punch. When he walked away the little lady asked me 
          "Is that your boyfriend or your husband?" 
    of course I responded, "my boyfriend." 
    and she replies, " He is a very attractive young man!" 
It was too cute, and of course all I could do was smile and say thank you, and of course tell him what she said later in the evening. I love when people inform me that they think he is attractive its such a compliment. 
The monogram I hand-painted for Lee and Lauren, the newlyweds 
     On a completely new and random subject......Dusk has learned a new and exciting trick....well a couple!
Ok only one real trick....
BUTTTTT he has finally caught onto the whole fetch thing.
He now brings the ball back
opposed to stopping halfway and laying down like he used to do. 

DRUM ROLL please!......

he learned....

That's right my dog is now a GENIUS... he learned it in less than a week and his total list of tricks has now grown to a whopping count of 5.....Sit, Lay, Stay, Puppy Hugs and Hand Shake :) Hahah its not much but I am one proud mommy. 

       Ok now back to human events.... 

     This past weekend Cole's best friend from school got back into town. His buddy joined the Coast Guard when he got out of high school and he is on leave for a couple weeks so he has been home visiting family and friends. Cole and I luckily were able to spend a lot of last weekend with him. We spend Saturday morning out on the boat with him and his family enjoying the beautiful weather and we ended up spending Saturday night with him, and we spent Sunday out on the lake kayaking and fishing too! It was a gorgeous weekend spent outside enjoying every minute of it. 

   Aside from hanging out with his buddy, Joey, we had a range day with the Offroad club out in the country on Saturday. Of course all the boys loved it, because what boys don't love shooting guns?! I got to shoot a couple of hand guns which was fun. No event is complete with out food, so we had some delicious homemade barbecue, and tons of tasty sides and desserts...I think I gained 10 lbs just from that meal!
Cole and I on our way to the Range Day. 

The field where the boys were shooting skeet, gorgeous right?! 

 We also went out on Sunday for Fathers day with Cole's family. And I got a new radio in my car, Finally!!!! 
My car being gutted for the new radio and cole's hands working :)

Overall the past few weeks have been great!  

Live and Love
-Stacey :) 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Graduation and Past Memories

      This past weekend was definitely amazing, I got to see one of my nearest and dearest friends graduate from high school. Karli and I met when I started dancing at the studio her family owned. I started dancing there when I was in middle school and Karli was in elementary school so we basically grew up together. We had every dance class together, we spent four days a week in the studio either learning dances or watching classes and we spent just about every weekend together too being absolutely crazy!! She and I went through a lot of rough times and a lot of amazing times together and I probably wouldn't be the person I am today with out her and her family! They taught me a lot about life, relationships, responsibility and much much more. I am so thankful and proud to have her in my life! I am so amazed at what a beautiful, smart and kind person she has become over the years, and I am so thankful to have been able to witness her growing up.

A dance Photo of Karli and I several Years ago. 

    I love you Chari, I am so proud of you! :)  remember I will always have my arms wide open to you!