Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday OOTD

I spent most of my Black Friday on the couch watching Cole, his little brother and his uncle Joey play video games, and I was getting pretty stir crazy. So when Cole's mom of'fered for me to go shopping with her later in the afternoon it was an offer I couldn't refuse, for my sanity's sake. I enjoyed spending some one on one time with his mom and his grandma.

I don't know about ya'll but when I go shopping I want to be put together and look nice, but I also want to be comfortable since it involves a lot of walking around. I think my outfit yesterday was the perfect mix of style and comfort.

Necklace- Target
Shirt- Old Navy
Belt- (old) Pacsun
Leggings-(old) Walmart
Watch- Fossil
Ring-Clemson Class Ring
What is your go to outfit for shopping days? 

Don't forget to like the blog facebook page. 

Follow my twitter (@SL_Essel), Instagram (@sessel91)and Pintrest Boards (Stacey Essel )

Thanksgiving Photos

I already talked about our thanksgiving on the Thankful Series {Post 6} but I just wanted to share some photos from our day! Excuse the quality of them, between the bad lighting and the fact that I left my Cannon at home so I had to use my iPhone the photos are less than desirable. 

Cole and I with Cole's little brother
It was so good to catch up and hangout with Cole's family, especially his little brother!

Dusk was worn out from all the fun he has had this weekend! 

Of course I couldn't pass up a chance to get a picture with my little boy! 

Thankful Series {Post 6}

     Wow it is hard to believe that Thanksgiving has come and past and that today is the last day of November!Cole and I are spending the long weekend in Columbia catching up with family and friends we haven't seen in a while. Anyways to the reason for the post, my very last Thankful Series Post!

1. I am thankful that Cole and I were able to travel home to celebrate thanksgiving with his family and my mom. For the past five years Cole's family has been kind enough to invite and include my parents in their thanksgiving dinner because my parents don't have any family close by other than me and Cole. It takes a burden off my moms back to cook a full spread of thanksgiving foods for just four people and it makes mine and Cole's thanksgiving much more enjoyable because we aren't spending half our day driving around to different thanksgiving meals. It also serves as a great way for our families to catch up. For that I am thankful.

2. I am thankful that every year we have an overflowing table of delicious thanksgiving food.  I am grateful that we are able to enjoy a feast like that, and enjoy the fellowship of family without worrying about where our next meal will come from. We are blessed to have what we have.

3. I am so, so, so thankful that I no longer work in retail. When I was in high school I worked at Target, and I loved it for the most part. I normally worked on the floor fixing shelves, helping guests or folding shirt tables. However every Black Friday I was there I was moved to the registers to help the cashiers out.

(Funny story, the first year I worked at target they decided they wanted me on the registers for Black Friday, literally the last day I was working before Black Friday they called me up to the register and seriously talked to me and showed me how to check someone out for about five minutes, then looked at me and said "get here earlier on Black Friday because you are gonna be a cashier on Black Friday" You can imagine the panic and fear that I felt as soon as I heard those words. I was convinced that all I would do was mess something up since I literally had only spent 5 minutes at a register before the doors opened at 3am that Friday.All is well though I actually did really well.)

I actually liked working Black Fridays as a cashier but I would have absolutely hated if I had to work out on the floor dealing with frenzied, crazed guest and picking up after them constantly, not to mention the poor afternoon/night workers always had to stay a hour to two hours after close fixing the floor. The worst thing about working Black Friday was having to go to bed early on Thanksgiving Day to be able to get up early enough to get to work on time Friday morning. Now the stores have the audacity to open on Thanksgiving day, which I think is a shame. The deals will still be there Friday there is no need to open the doors on Thanksgiving day. Since the stores are opening earlier and earlier I am very very thankful I no longer work in retail.

4. I am thankful that I was able to help and contribute to the thanksgiving meal this year. I love cooking so I really enjoyed making some dishes to bring to dinner with Cole's family. This year I made a pumpkin pie, turtle brownies and some delicious artichoke and olive dip. I got the artichoke and olive dip from the Pioneer Woman's blog. She has the best recipes ever!

5. I am thankful that our babies travel as well as they do. Cole loaded up the car Thanksgiving day and we rounded up our four legged babies into the Jeep and headed to Columbia. The babies did so well! They love visiting their grandparents houses so I am thankful that they are calm and easy to travel with.

Well that concludes my thankful series post, I hope you all enjoyed!

Please go like the Poppies, Puppies and Pearls on Facebook.
Feel free to follow me on twitter (@SL_Essel), instagram (@sessel91), or pinterest (just Stacey Essel there!)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thankful Series {Post 5}

       I am a day late on this, I know, I dare I...Well I had a major project due today so I spent last night working away at completing that. So since I had ya'll waiting a whole day I will go ahead and dive on into the five things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful that I am officially on Thanksgiving break! This semester has gotten extremely hectic these past few weeks, and a 5 day weekend is exactly what the doctor ordered! I am looking forward to sleeping, getting our house back in shape, baking, holiday decorating and of course visit Columbia to celebrate thanksgiving with Cole's family and my parentals. (Did I mention I am looking forward to all the yummy food too!)

2. I am very thankful that this semester is almost over. I have four more days of classes when I get back from thanksgiving break, and then I have four finals in two days...It is gonna be a rough few weeks but I am ready to face them and finish the semester strong. I am actually pretty proud of myself so far this grades are better this semester than they have been since freshman year. I think there are two factors playing into my better grades....I am not working at all this semester, and Cole is up here instead of living two hours away. I never realized how much working affected my grades...but having so much extra time to study and get work done has done wonders for my grades. Also running back and forth between Columbia every weekend or every other weekend was very distracting, I never got any work done on weekends before, whereas now I have all the time in the world.

3. I am thankful that I am blessed to have an abundance of warm clothing, especially on cold days, like the ones we have had here lately.

4. I am happy and so thankful that I am done with the project that I had due today. I had a very, very late night working on it. I am thankful that I have the determination and drive to complete my work on time, it is the only thing that keeps my need to procrastinate from affecting my grades.

5. Who isn't thankful for starbucks? I am! Or just a good cup of coffee in general. I am grateful that Clemson and the surrounding area has an abundance of quaint little coffee shops with delicious coffee and of course pastries! Coffee is a god sent treasure!

What are you thankful for this week? 

If you haven't followed the blog on Facebook you should do it! 

Now if you all don't mind I am going to go curl up in bed, and take a nap...the cold rainy weather requires it

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Trans Siberian Orchestra {Greenville, SC}

           This weekend Cole was out of town with his work on a boys trip so I stayed home. My weekend was far from boring though. My mom came into town on Saturday afternoon. We got ready (all dolled up) and headed to Greenville for a night on the town! We went to Bellacinos, a local pizza franchise that is soooo good, for an early dinner. When we finished our dinner we walked around Main Street in Greenville and browsed some of the awesome shops there. We went to the Trans Siberian Orchestra Concert, and finished the night off grabbing a warm drink before heading back to Clemson.
           Of course, while we were browsing I had to take my mom to my all time favorite shop in Greenville, Poppington's. It is an adorable little popcorn shop, that has the most amazing flavors! My favorites so far that I have tried are their kettle-corn and their Greenville Mix. Their kettle-corn is seriously the best I have ever had, and I love kettle-corn it literally melts in your mouth. Their Greenville Mix is a mixture of cheddar cheese flavored popcorn, white cheddar cheese flavored popcorn, and caramel popcorn. It sounds like an odd mixture but it the absolute best. It is the perfect mix of textures and is the perfect mix of salty and sweet flavors. If you are every in Greenville I totally recommend checking it out they have a ton of different flavores, 75 to be exact...flavors you expect like cheddar cheese, kettle-corn and caramel, but they also have more unique flavors including mixtures, bloody mary flavored and ranch flavored. If you aren't visiting Greenville anytime soon check out their website, and order yourself a treat, they ship! We also checked out the Mast General Store and a cute little mineral shop.
            Then we headed to the arena to go see Trans Siberian Orchestra. We have both been wanting to see them in concert for several years. While we were at the arena to see FGL we found out that Trans Siberian Orchestra was playing in Greenville! So my mom bought tickets for us to go see them! The concert was awesome. They had a ton of crazy lighting and backgrounds, awesome pyrotechnics and awing stage movements. I am so glad we went, the orchestra sounded awesome and
you could hear everything!
I love my mom
(I hate my Iphone's front camera, the quality is aweful :( I cannot wait to get an upgrade on my phone!)

The opening lighting for the concert

Check out their opening song! 

Here is the Finale from last night

         After the concert Mom and I headed to what I, and many others, consider the best coffee shop in Greenville, Underground Coffee. Mom got hot chocolate cause she is weird and doesn't like coffee, and I got a delicious white chocolate and caramel latte. Exactly what we needed because it was so cold last night. It really wasn't too bad temperature wise, but the wind was harsh making it feel twice as cold. It is definitely starting to feel like Christmas around here and I am too excited! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Puppy Tales

      I haven't posted a Dusk post in a while,
 in fact I don't think I have posted one since Cali moved up here with us. 
So this is a 3 in one post. 
Whose ready for the cuteness, and the stories that join them? 

The babies have claimed one of our couches for napping while we are home. 
They literally sleep on it every single evening. 
Dusk normally claims the back of the couch, 
Cali claims the actual seats.
Well tonight they were sleeping in the cutest position ever! 
How sweet is this? Also I love that you can see Dusk's black spot! 

Dusk has also become much more protective, especially when Cole isn't home.
By protective I mean he howls, or grumbles anytime a car drives by...
which is a lot because we live really close to a major road, 
so our road is pretty busy. 
Recently Dusk has even started peeping through the blinds.
and I'm not talking looking through two blinds...
I mean he literally lifts the blinds out of his way so his nose can press up against the window. 

Case in Point: 
Dusk was making sure their weren't any
boogie monsters in the backyard before our nap

Dusk is checking out all the cars driving by

I took Cali on a short jog with Dusk and I the other day. 
Dusk loves runs, so he was spastic. 
Cali however surprised me with how excited she was. 

Running (or lack there of)

          About two years ago I was religiously running everyday while I was working full time with a company as a co-op student. When I started running back then I could barely run an eighth of a mile, but I stuck with it and got farther and farther. In fact one weekend that summer Dusk and I took on a challenge of running the equivalent distance of a 5k, because my goal was to start running 5ks.
           Well since then I went back to being a full time student, and did another rotation of co-op work (however I took class too) so life caught up with me and I stopped running religiously....well running at all. When I get stressed I am awful about letting my workout, and house keeping schedules slip. So as this semester is winding down I am going to slip my running shoes back on and start hitting the pavement religiously again. This semester I have been walking a lot more, and jogging randomly but I wasn't making it a priority until now.
             Today since I have no school on Fridays I spend the day normally working on school work, or clean the house or I am just absolutely lazy and take a day off and veg out, if the rest of the week was ultra stressful. Well today was the later of the three...I had a rough test week. However Dusk and I did go out for a walk/jog. I am pretty out of shape, breathing wise...I lose my breath before my body gets anywhere near being tired. So instead of just jogging for a few minutes and heading home Dusk and I started out with a nice jog, walked a bit and had intermittent running or jogging. Today we went all the way to campus and back to the house, which is a little over 4 miles total. (needless to say Dusk has been passed out the rest of the night!) So although I was disappointed in my breathing I am proud we went so far. I am looking forward to pushing us more, distance wise, and time spent running.

       What is your best running advice? What is your favorite way to run (with music, with your dog, with a running buddy, ect.)?

Much love,
Stacey and Dusk
{go like The Poppies, Puppies and Pearls Blog on Facebook!}

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Photography Gallery Final

           My photography class ended this week. For our final in the class we had to submit two pieces, and attend a photography gallery of our work and other classes work at a local coffee shop. The photographs will be displayed through the end of the year at the shop, and are up for sale.Which is super cool!

The two pieces I submitted in the Gallery. They are very, very different from one another...but two of my favorites from the semester. 

            I am actually kind of disappointed that the class is over though. I feel like I learned so much about myself, using my camera and my personal shooting style. I personally think it is hard to explore and learn it on your own, because the tough assignments in class that you wouldn't necessarily pick to do yourself are the ones I feel you learn the most from. It was also great to have a professional around to guide you if you needed it, and also provide feedback. I want to continue practicing and learning so, I guess, I need to find subjects to shoot. I also definitely need to continue challenging myself with different ideas and types of photography.

            I personally have enjoyed abstract, nature and portrait photography the most this semester. I think it will be interesting to see how my likes an dislikes develop as I continue on the photography journey. I am also definitely going to try my hand at offroad photography, because, honestly it's at my fingertips with it being my fiance's job and hobby.

Reversed Buyers Remorse

Have you ever walked into a store, to just browse and fallen head over heals for a piece of clothing
...but you just couldn't justify paying the price at the time for the said article? 
I do it frequently.(like all the time!!)
 Obviously since I am a broke college kid, it doesn't take much for me to think it is to pricey at the moment.
 I normally am ok with that, and just move on. 
Well a few moths ago I fell in love with a skirt at target,

 it was on sale, 
but since it was part of the designer line, 3.1 Phillip Lim.
The line was featured previously,
 but even on sale it was still a bit out of my price range.
 I was also worried that I wouldn't get my money's worth out of it because of how bold the print was. 
 So I sucked it up and left without it.
 No big deal right.

Normally it isn't but this skirt is haunting me now.
 I have  seriously seen it on blogs and even a tv show recently.  
(twice just this week!) 
FYI, the tv show was Glee, and Unique was wearing it, and looked fierce! 
and man am I kicking myself for not buying it, 
because it looks stunning on every single person I have seen it on!
 I am having serious Reverse Buyers Remorse,
 you know when you really, really, wish you had bought the piece. 

all you ladies who own that skirt you rock it, 
because it looks fabulous!

So ladies, what is your biggest Reverse Buyers Remorse, what was it that you wished you had just bit the bullet and bought?

(ATTN: I have found out that although the store no longer carries the skirt, does still have it!Guess who will be buying this bad boy!) 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thankful Series {Post 4}

My goodness this month is flying by. 
I literally have 16 days til my Finals week. 
Which is actually only seven more days of classes. 
Thanksgiving break is soooo close,
I can taste the pumpkin pie!
Sorry, I am getting off subject...continue on to read
the five things I am most thankful for right now. 

  1. This one is kind of an in the moment response, but I am so thankful that I am done addressing our save the dates. No one tells you when you get engaged the amount of time you will spend writing, painting or making something. I have been addressing these bad boys for about a month on and off when I get home from school during the week. They take forever. Unfortunately I still am waiting on addresses from people so I will have more to address soon. I cannot wait to get them all out in the mail! 
  2. I am thankful to have three beautiful nieces in my life. Although Cole and I do not get to see them very often, we cherish our time with them and they truly light up my life. My sister and her husband are doing a wonderful job raising sweet, loving and thoughtful little girls. I am looking forward to seeing them again, Ohio is too far away! 
  3. Cole and I lucked out this year and found a great little house to rent for the year, for an amazing price, and for that I am thankful . We are fortunate enough to be able to live on our own, with no roommates. We also have the pleasure of having a guest room, which has gotten it's use this year. 
  4. Our friends are our rocks. Cole and I have an amazing group of friends, and I couldn't be more grateful to have them in our lives. Everyone is so different from one another but they all play such an important and vital role in our lives. The best thing about a good group of friends is that regardless of where everyone is from, or how we were all raised, we can all make one another laugh and we all enjoy one another's company. I love spending time with our friends. We always have great conversations, laughing fits and encourage one another. I am really looking forward to our "Christmas in Clemson" weekend in December! 
  5. Finally, I am so excited that my wedding dress is in! I got a call earlier this week that my dress is waiting for me in Atlanta, at Bridals by Lori. I am so, so grateful that my mom bought me the dress of my dreams. I am also so thankful and happy that my Aunt Elisa and Uncle Jeff let us invade their house for a weekend so we could go dress shopping there! I couldn't have asked for a better shopping experience, my mom, my aunt and my best friend were all there to help me pick my dress with me! I am looking forward to seeing my dress! 
What are you thankful for right now? 

Monday, November 18, 2013

This Jacket {swoon!}

I get frequent emails from American Eagle, 
and the other day I was bored, so I was scrolling through their site
 and Oh My Goodness...
 they have the most adorable jacket ever!

 It has now been mentally added to my "I really, really want this" list.
It is a very classic cut, and neutral color.
 I love the pink contrasts,
 and I love the structure of the coat. 
 However, I don't know about ya'll but, I think I have gotten a new coat for the past four Christmases 
so my need for a winter coat is like zero. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankful Series (Post 3)

It is hard to believe that this month is half way over, 
I only have 10 more days of classes for the semester! 
I have been struggling the past few weeks with some personal decisions...
So this thankful post is coming at the perfect time. 
Bring me out of the funk, 
and remind me of all the wonderful things I have in my life. 

  1. I am thankful to have the opportunity to study Civil Engineering  for an undergraduate degree at Clemson University. Attending Clemson has been a dream come true. I have learned so much, and grown just as much during the time I have spent here. Being a student at Clemson has opened up many doors for me, and I will forever be grateful for what I have experienced and learned the last 5 years. Clemson University is an amazing place of higher education with an amazingly beautiful campus, with a little something special. The best way to explain the feeling that students feel about Clemson is definitely the infamous Joe Sherman quote: 

“There is something in these hills that brings together and binds together and holds together men and women of all persuasions, of all heights, sizes, weights, and cultural backgrounds - something that cuts across every difference, spans every gap, penetrates every wall - something that makes a man or a woman stand taller, feel better and say with a high pride to all within earshot, "I went to Clemson."
There is something in these hills that you and I can't define and others can't understand. A wave of warmth always surges through me when "outsiders" say, "I don't know what it is about you Clemson people, but your undying love for Clemson is admired by everyone I know."

2. I am very, very thankful for the wonderful support system I have through my friends. My friends are truly amazing and so very different from one another. I am graced with friends from all walks of life, and I couldn't be more grateful for it! My friends add joy to my life, keep me anchored and are as honest as they come. To me having a few amazing close friends is way more satisfying than having a bunch of decent friends. 

3. My siblings! I am beyond thankful for my siblings. Growing up I was just a big pain in their asses, because I was much younger than them. They double teamed me, gave me a hard time, and teased me. Now I am a much stronger person thanks to their tough love. Funny story, my brother taught me how to ride a bicycle... by threatening to beat me up if I didn't get on my bike and ride it. Thankfully now my siblings are much nicer, and I can honestly say they are two of my best friends. They encourage me and support me in all of the decisions I make. I don't get to see them often, so the time I do get to spend with them now I cherish a lot!

4. I am very thankful that I have had the opportunity to travel both in the US and abroad. I love experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. I am most grateful to have had the chance to participate in a German Exchange program while I was in high school. It was definitely one of the best experience of my life! I have a life long friend from that trip, and a ton of amazing memories that will never be forgotten. I can honestly say that, that was the trip that gave me the travel bug. I cannot wait to see more of the world! 

5. My Grandma! Grammy is the most amazing person in the entire world! I can't imagine my life with out her. She is the strongest person I know, and definitely the person I admire the most. I cherish every moment I get to spend with her. She is encouraging, wise, and honest. She has been a very influential person and my life, and I am so thankful for her support and encouragement my entire life.

Much Love,

Feel free to comment below. What are you thankful for? Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

Follow the Poppies Puppies and Pearls blog on facebook

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Workout Planning and Execution

     This semester has been way more hectic than I expected...because of that I have been horrible about sticking to workouts. It is so easy to rush home and get caught up in a tv show or a craft project after a long day of school and homework. And it is just as easy to make excuses for reasons why you didn't workout.
       Today, I am making to conscious decision to stop doing this. I have a lot on my plate but I am determined to start getting back into a workout routine. I have a lot going on and working out is such a good stress reliever for me. Running specifically makes me feel a thousand times better, and I also want to work on my strength.  I am currently taking a yoga class, and I really enjoy it. So my plan is to mix them all and try to get a good total body workout through the week. I also really want to train and improve my running enough to complete a 5k, and continue to train to accomplish more.

So my work out plan for the rest of this week.

Tonight (Tuesday), I am gonna do a little yoga.

Wednesday- Yoga Class, Run (run/walk a mile)

Thursday- 25 pushups, 1 song of sit-ups, 2-30 second planks, 4-30 second wall sits.

Friday- Yoga at home, Run with Dusk

I will post a recap of how sore and pitiful I am Saturday. I am severely disappointed with myself, and I look forward to becoming a stronger person physically and mentally.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thankful Series (Part 2)

           The past five days have been a whirlwind. 
Have you had a week like that lately?
Where everything is due, and there is so much to look forward to after its done? 
I had a paper due Friday, and after that was done the weekend has been so fun!
the five things I am most thankful for over the past five days:

1. I am so very thankful to have an amazing relationship with my mom. I am also just as thankful for the fact that she wants to be involved in my life. My mom is nothing but supportive, encouraging, and loving. I am grateful that I can talk to my mom about anything, weather it be for advice, to vent or just to catch up and chat. My mom truly has become one of my best friends, and I can't imagine my life without her. 

2. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to attend the Florida Georgia Line! My mom was amazing and bought tickets for all of us to go. It was such a great time, being spent with two of the most important people in my life! It was definitely a night I will never forget! (Thanks Mom!) 

3. I am thankful to have a kitchen, and all the needed utensils to practice my cooking skills. I enjoy cooking, and I love baking! I am grateful to have a fiance that is willing to try out my first attempts. This weekend I tried my hand at making homemade cube steak (Cole's favorite meal)! It was definitely a challenge because his grandma and grandpa make the best cube steak. 

4. I am thankful that Cole and I won a contest that provides us with our wedding photographer, Kaity. It truly has been a blessing, and not for the obvious reason. Our photographer has been nothing short of amazing, and every time we have met to talk to her, or shoot with her we have had a blast, laughing and acting up. I seriously don't think we could have found a better photographer!!! If you are looking for a photographer in Columbia, SC or the surrounding area you should check her out at Very Important Date Photography!  

5. I am thankful for my fiance's help with all this wedding planning. Cole has truly been amazing with all the planning. Unlike most guys, he has been there every step of the way to help me make decision, or give me his opinion. I honestly don't know what I would do if he weren't so hands on and helpful. He has even been helping me with a lot of the DIY aspects of our wedding! He is amazing!!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Did you know...

The Poppies, Puppies and Pearls Blog has a Facebook Page?! Well it does. It is fairly new, and it needs more followers! If you are a fan of the blog and you enjoy reading it feel free to go over to Facebook and like the page. I would greatly appreciate it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thankful Series (Part 1)

       This month I am going to do a series of  post on the things I am thankful for. I love the idea of the thankful post on Facebook, but lets be honest not everyone wants to read every single day what everyone of their not-so-close Facebook friends are thankful for and why. So I have decided to instead post the five things I am most thankful for every five days, for the entire month of November. I will post November 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th. This way if anyone is interested in reading what I am thankful for they can follow these post, and if not they will not be bothered by it on my Facebook page everyday, they will just see a link to my blog every five days! So alas my first Thankful Series Post:

      I am thankful for the educational opportunities I have been given.  I was never told when I was younger that I had to go to college, or that my parents expected me to have straight A's. Rather my parents instilled in me the self-drive and determination that made me want more in life. I made the decision to go to college, to pursue a degree in Engineering. However I will be forever grateful and thankful to everyone who encouraged me to take this path. My parents for raising me to appreciate knowledge and education and for supporting my decision and letting me decide for myself.  Teachers for instilling and feeding my drive, as well as helping me narrow down my major. My fiance for encouraging me and praising me when I do well. I cannot believe I only have one more semester left until I officially have my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering!

           I am thankful to have found my supportive and loving soul mate so early in life. I can't believe that we are going to be husband and wife in less than a year! I am beyond excited for that day, but until then I am looking forward to each day we have to spend together. Our journey has been a whirlwind, and I am thankful for every part of it. We have obviously had our ups and downs, like any normal couple but we wouldn't be anywhere near as strong as we are now without our trials over the years. I am proud of where we are, and I am so thankful that we are were we are now. My fiance is the kindest, most genuine person I have ever met, I couldn't imagine my life without him!

I am thankful that we have the ability to support and provide for ourselves. I am proud of Cole and I to have to ability to be able to live on our own, and pay our bills without aid. I am also very thankful that Cole works full time to support us, so I can focus on finishing my degree without the added stress of working part time. We have found a great balance, and for that I am thankful! The last four years of my college experience I have had to balance work with school, and I must say it is much easier to focus on grades this year.

I am thankful to have the love and comfort of my sweet fur babies. I love my dog, Dusk. He has truly been a joy in my life. While Cole and I were living apart he was my only company on many nights. Dusk is my workout buddy, he loves running with me, and playing fetch. Dusk and I have a very strong bond, and I am thankful for his companionship and love. Cali, Cole's dog now lives with us too. I couldn't be more grateful to have her. She is the ying to Dusk's yang. They are brother and sister, and seriously couldn't be any different. Cali is a sweet shy girl, that loves giving kisses. She and Dusk love playing together, and I love watching it!

Lastly I am grateful for the abilities I was granted by god. Creatively, physically and mentally. I love that I can spend all day solving difficult math or engineering problems then come home and calm my mind through painting, photography, blogging or running. It amazes me how easily I can take these simple abilities for granted. I know that none of these are guaranteed, therefor I am thankful for them all.

What are you grateful for?


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall Hikes

     I don't know about you, but I love beautiful fall days. I think there are three main qualities to a perfect fall day. 1.The air is cool and crisp. 2. the clouds are white, fluffy and few and far between. and 3.There is a slight breeze sending the warm toned leaves twirling. Yesterday was exactly that. P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The only way I can think of spending days like that are outdoors. That is exactly what Cole and I did yesterday.

A friend of ours asked us if we wanted to go to Jumping Off Rock to see the sunset up there. Of course we jumped at the chance of a breathtaking fall view. After a bit of whining and begging I convinced Cole to let me bring Dusk with us too! Jumping Off Rock is a good 45 minute drive from Clemson, but even the drive was enjoyable and chalk full of amazing views. We all got to the top of the mountain, and out to jumping off rock just in time to enjoy the beautiful fall sunset. I took my nice camera with us to capture the view...however I personally am not too fond of the quality of the pictures, none the less they are posted below!
I love my little family 

Such a stunning view of Lake Jocassee 

I love my sweet pup, and he sure loves hikes

All the boys (Mason, Peter, Cole) 

Dusk was enjoying the view...and all the smells!