Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday DUSK!!!

Cali (Cole's little girl)

Cali and Dusk 

and his cute adorable chubbiness
I'm pretty sure that these photos were taken when the babies were only about 5 weeks old. 
These little tiny, sweet, adorable puppies are officially four years old today!  

Dusk and I are unfortunately not with the rest of our family this year for their birthday so we celebrated by ourselves this year. (last year Cole and I made a sheet cake and gave all three of the pups a small slice of cake, and they loved it! Their slices were seriously gone in seconds, especially Dakota's.) This year I decided to try out one of the 2 cupcake recipes that are floating all over the internet now. I ended up sort of winging it though, cause the recipe I found called for milk, and the only milk I have is almond milk...and oddly enough Dusk is allergic to almonds. I successfully made two cupcakes from scratch with homemade icing as well. We ate them tonight when I got home from work. 

Dusk's Cupcake

Dusk was pretty excited to have his cake and eat it too. 

Dusk wad clearly soooo excited to have to wait for me to take photos of 
him with his cupcake before he could eat it. 
In fact his face says "mom do you really have to do this? Can't I just eat it already?!"

He really enjoyed his birthday cupcake, in fact so much so that he gave me birthday cuddles

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lust Worthy!

I have literally been drooling over these boots all day, ever since @Coach on twitter tweeted a photo of these sweet babies. 
I have Several Reasons Why I need Them: 
  1. Like I told Cole, after I confessed that I needed an intervention for my obsession with all things Coach brand,....Clemson is seriously monsoon and flooding territory. (My freshman year at Clemson, I think it Literally rained almost every day, at the very least it rained every other day!) 
  2. They are PURPLE, So even if it is rainy/wet on a game day I will still be reppin' my teams colors, and my toesies will be dry...Which if I choose to stand on the hill is next to impossible in normal shoes/boots if it has rained at all the previous week. 
  3. They Lace up in the back! (I have a serious issue with boots fitting my oddly, overly muscular calves...so the fact that these have adorable lace up backs means that my calves will be able to breath in them....so essentially the laces really count twice cause they add an extra girly touch to the normal boring rainboots) 
  4. They aren't completely the cheesy plastic/rubber material, I think that is one of the major reasons why I want these! 
If you are drooling over these as much as I am you might want to move quickly and order them here!
...I saw them this morning and when I went to go look at them tonight and decide if I was gonna order them
Well my size is already out of stock in the purple color. 

If you aren't as much of a fan of the purple as I am, there is also pink, brown and black. With those for colors I feel they probably cater to the masses, two over the top colors and two basic colors. 

Dusk is Styling

     The other day, I was a terrible mommy and totally blanked on buying Dusk's dog food...So the next day I rushed to the store after work to get his dinner. I felt bad for forgetting him so I figured I would spoil him a little bit. Well aside from walking out with his food, I also bought him his favorite treats and a new jacket!
Dusk Rocking His New Jacket

My little boo is so adorable! 
I can't believe he will be four years old on Tuesday. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peculiar Pup

    My dog, Dusk, is strange. He's friendly, social and very sweet, but none the less he is strange.The photos below are just a few examples:

Happy Valentine's Day

               I hope you all have had a great loving, fun filled Lover Day. 
Cole and I are unfortunately in different cities so we have to wait to celebrate tomorrow night.
 Soooo, Dusk was my valentine today! 
<3 him! 

We spent the afternoon cuddling, running and playing. 
Couldn't have asked for a better Valentine...
well other than Cole :) 
(But he's my valentine every day!) 

Happy Valentines!
XOXO- Stacey & Dusk 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Personal Challenges

           Cole and I are saying bon voyage and boarding a cruise ship in less than a month with our good friends Deidre and Sam for a week long cruise. With that being around the corner I am cracking down on my eating habits and upping my workouts big time. My goals up until the cruise are as follows:

  1. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
  2. Drink more water.
  3. Run everyday (alternating between short and long runs) 
  4. Daily weight lifting
  5. Daily ab workout

            I found the ab workout I am doing on Pintrest, but you can see it here! This is one tough cookie workout. I started doing it last night and man was I sore this morning (I'm pretty sure I looked like a little old lady hobbling around the office all day). Doing the workout this evening was a little easier tonight, but I have a feeling I will be sore again in the morning. 

What are your favorite workouts? 

Fashion on Budget

Last weekend I spent Saturday shopping with my mom...and out of the six things we bought for me four of them were 10$ or under.

1. White infinity scarf
Aeropostale, $3.99

2. Plaid button up shirt

Aeropostale, $9.99
3. Lace Shorts

Wet Seal, $10

I have seriously been wanting a pare of lace shorts since last summer 
I just didn't want to spend
a ton of money on them,
and thats when these beauties entered my life. 

4. Coral Jeans
Aeropostale, $9.99
When I was younger I used to love Aeropostale, especially their polos...but as I have grown older I have really grown out of that store.
I do tend to still walk in there to see if there is anything
catches my eye.
Aeropostale can be defined as a Hit or Miss store

meaning: Sometimes the stuff in there is awful teeny bopper clothes
that anyone over the age of 15 wouldn't be caught dead in,
and other times there is just that must have item for much cheaper than
other stores in the mall.

Last weekend clearly was a hit day.
The biggest suprise is that the jeans I got there actually fit well.
Normally Aeropostale pants are made for little pre-teens
with no hips, but man those coral jeans fit great!
 I have been wanting a pair of Coral/Orange/Pastel Jeans,
and the fact that they were under 10$ was even more exciting.


Monday, February 11, 2013

busy bee weekend

    This past weekend was quite enjoyable! 

    Friday I drove back to Columbia after work. Cole and I met Deidre for mexican...cause we all needed our Mexican fix for the week. Mexican food is the best food ever! well that and Italian...and German...ok. Forget it I just like food! ha. Anyways we ended up having a two hour dinner cause we were just chit chatting and joking around. It reminded me how much it sucks living away from both Cole and Deidre! 

   Saturday morning I got my hair did! :) My hair has been blonde, and I mean Blonde, Blonde for about 6 months so I am finally getting tired of it so I got it dyed a shade or two darker so its a much warmer, and more natural looking color...and I love it! 
Before              &                  After
  Cole and I, took Cole's little brother over to their grandma's house, and before we left we took an adventure through her yard, which is all woods. Dusk accompanied us, and let me tell you HE LOVED IT! He was bobbing and weaving through the brush, jumping puddles and man was his snout going crazy with all the new smells. 

Saturday night Cole and I had my work party to go to. It was a blast! We had a buffet and open bar at Dave and Busters. We left the work party and headed to dinner with our pals Tripp and Becky for a double date. We went and ate at Buca Di Beppo and as always it was Delicious! Man did we have a good time, we basically closed the restaurant down. The rest of the weekend was spent winding down and relaxing, which was much needed. 
             I am going to leave you guys tonight with the most adorable, most precious, most heart melting photo ever! 

Dusk and Cole Tuckered out  :) 
I must say I love my boys! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dusk is a Genius!

                   Well kind of....in the dog world I believe he  would at least be considered very intelligent. It literally only took Dusk a week to learn his new trick this past week. Now may I mention that never in a million years did I ever think Dusk would learn this specific trick. Teaching him paw/hand shake felt like it was impossible too, which that trick only took him about two weeks to learn. Some how he always seems to surprise me, in a good way! 
So with no further ado....Dusk's New Trick! 

Yes I know the video isn't perfect, please ignore my obnoxious voice, ha. Dusk gets a tad camera shy as well so it normally takes him a little longer for him to commit to his tricks on video. Needless to say we have some pretty silly bloopers from attempting to catch it on video...

I hope you enjoyed my silly pup! I am super excited about him learning this trick, and I am also just a equally excited about how quickly he learned it! I am such a proud mommy haha!