Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hectic Lifestyle

Cole and I are currently caught in a whirlwind of life, lots of traveling the past few weekends. Between working full time, trying to keep the house picked up and clean, we are in the midst of painting a large portion of  the house, and attempting to keep up with laundry, I am a little behind on editing photos and updating posts.

Last Wednesday Cole and I trucked it all the way across NC to head to the Outer Banks to meet up with my family to spend the rest of the week enjoying the ocean breeze with the whole family and exploring with my sister and her family.  I am excited to write up a post all about that, and sharing a bunch of photos from that so be on the look outs for that. If you want a sneak peak check out my insta profile @staceylconner . I hope you all are having a wonderful week, I will catch up with you soon.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Life Update {I'm Back!}

So my last post was literally almost six months ago...and that was not by choice! I have had the same laptop since Junior year of high school, aka it was a dinosaur, and in February it officially bit the dust, and succumbed to a virus I think it had been fighting for a while! So unfortunately my blog got put on the back burner...cause I honestly had no way of posting, unless I used my phone which would be all but impossible.

So instead of just purchasing a cheap replacement computer right away, I decided to hold off, and put away a little bit of money as often as I could so I could splurge and buy myself a good computer I could use for my blog and my photography editing.  And as you can see I am back in the blogging world, which means I have made the leap, and bought myself the computer of my dreams!!! I just about had a stroke because I spent that much money at one time, but I am so happy I made the purchase! I am beyond excited to jump head first back into photography and blogging!

Stay tuned, cause I will be continuing to update the blog with all the fun things that haven't been shown/discussed on here over the past 6 months....I am such a failure. ha,