Friday, August 31, 2012

What's Life Without Friends?

       I find myself wondering that quite often. My friends are what turn normal days into unforgettable memories! When I was in high school I always seemed to have a lot of friends, but I didn't really spend a whole lot of time outside of school with anyone because I was so wrapped up in dance. I had two friends that I would spend time with outside of school, but other than that everyone else was strictly "School Friends" meaning I like them, I enjoyed talking to them but I never saw them outside of school. Now that I am in my fourth year of college I have realized that my group of friends has changed drastically, and that I see the term "friends" a little differently.
       Of course when I left high school everyone insisted that we needed to stay in touch but as we all know that never happens, everyone goes their own way and honestly get too busy to think about those old friends. The old friends get replaced with the new girl in their class, or that funny guy that lives next door. Basically, what I am saying is when I transitioned from high school to college my view of friendship altered. I still use the word friend loosely, but my honest true friends are a smaller knit group, that is spread throughout many states. In high school you are put in classes with the same group of people every semester, of every year for four years, so you can't help but become friends with them but in college that is a whole other ball game. Yes you still have those friends that you have a lot of classes with because they are in your major...but you have to work a lot more to keep in contact with friends that are in other majors, or at other schools or even in different states. By having to work hard to stay in contact it solidifies your friendships a lot more, and you end up with people you know you can count on for anything!
      I absolutely love my group of friends, and I also love the fact that all of our lives are so different from one another. Although we are so different when we are in the same place and do have time to get together its always a great time, and we always end up with some amazing memories! I look forward to making more memories, and enjoying the ride, because lets be honest life would be boring without best friends, girls nights, bonfire nights and all those fun things you do with friend!

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