Friday, February 27, 2015

5TF (Post #7)

This week has been a weird was pretty uneventful. Well lets get started with the 5 big things for this week.

1. Snow...jk
The weatherman hyped up that a winter storm would hit South Carolina (actually, the whole south) Wednesday night. Were we live was supposed to get a "ton" of snow....which in the south is considered around 4"-8". Well we ended up getting maybe a maximum of two inches, all of which was already melted by the time I got off of work Thursday. So unfortunately playing in the snow was nonexistent.

2. Dusk and Cali turned 7!
Dusk and Cali's birthday was this week. For those of you who are new to the blog. No my husband and I do not have children, at least not human ones. Dusk and Cali are our fur babies. My parents dog had a litter of puppies when I was in high school and I kept Dusk, and I gave Cali to Cole for his birthday. Now our sweet little babies are SEVEN years old!! It is crazy, that they have been a part of our lives for so long, they have brought so much happiness and laughter to our lives. I wish we could keep them young forever, thankfully they still act like crazy hyper little pups. 

3. I miss dance...
This past weekend my mom and I surprised one of my really good friends (she's literally like my little sister) at her dance competition. I am so glad we went, and it was awesome to see her dance again...I haven't seen her dance in at least 3 year. However watching all the choreography that weekend really has me missing dance. I miss choreographing, and I wish I had access to a space to dance and choreograph in. 

4. Breaking Bad
Cole and I started watching Breaking Bad last weekend, and from the first few episodes we weren't sure if we were really that into it...but this week we have been watching it non-stop. We are really bad about binge watching this is the most recent choice. (Our last show we binge watched was Bates Motel, before that was The Following...The Following is hands down my favorite out of the last three shows we have watched)

5. Pintrest
Cole and I are in the very early stages of a new adventure in our lives...and what better place to get inspiration than Pintrest?! haha. but seriously. I have rediscovered my love for pintrest! Also, once everything is official and finalized for this adventure I promise I will be sharing more about it. Sorry for the little teaser...but stay tuned! 

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