Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hectic Week

    So this past week was insanely busy! I am insanely sleep deprived from the week and weekend. It was Anna's last week here, and she is officially now living in Virginia! Dusk and I spent the weekend in Columbia visiting Cole. Dusk was really excited to go visit!
Dusk was very, very, very excited to go home, so much so that the videos were all pretty bad quality...but he is pretty funny to watch. 

        Since it was mother's day weekend we had a busy weekend. Friday we met my parents for dinner as soon as I got into town. My mom is spending the week in Alabama with my Gram, my sis and her two daughters, and she left Saturday morning so Friday was the only day I would have been able to see her. 

Cole and I waiting for my parents to get to dinner. 

     Saturday Cole and I got up early and had a full day of events. We played a game of disc golf together, it was the first time either of us had played anywhere in Columbia, and the first time we had played together. It was a lot of fun, I have a feeling we will probably do it again. After our awesome disc golf game was over we hit the gym and pumped some much iron that I am very sore... No pain no gain, right?! (who came up with that saying!) We followed our gym session up with swimming in the lake with a couple of friends, the water was freezing! Then after hanging out for a while we made dinner for ourselves, cole's friend Brian and his girlfriend Bethany.  Our dinner was yummy we made Chicken on the grill, with mac' n cheese and sauteed veggies. We ended our insanely busy Saturday by going to see The Avengers at 10:15pm. We didn't leave the theater til about 1am! The Avengers was fantastic, it was a pretty long movie but it kept you drawn in with not only action but also humor as well. I really enjoyed it, there were some absolutely hilarious parts. If you haven't gone to see it and you have liked any comic book movie that is out I can guarantee you that you will most likely, possibly, at least slightly enjoy The Avengers. But really I would recommend it to anyone. 

         Today, Happy Mother's Day, was also pretty busy. We got up early and made a yummy breakfast, ran a few errands, ate Lunch with Cole's family! After we ate lunch we went over to his parents house and spent some more time with his family. The boys played basketball while us ladies enjoyed some deep conversation about girly things such as patio furniture, bedding, having a girls night, ect. Anyways we both had a great time and enjoyed spending time with family. Then to end my weekend home, we had dinner with Cole's Grandpa and Grandma. Then Dusky and I packed up and hit the road back to our sad lonely empty apartment. I am already excited to get the week over and for it to be the next weekend. It should be a great one. You will have to stay tuned and read the blog about next weekend! 

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