Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The World is Coming to an End!

             Ok, ok, not seriously (its not December 21st yet)...but have you ever said to yourself or someone else "oh that's never ever going to happen!" and then it does actually happen? Well when that happens to me one I feel like swallowing my tongue cause I was wrong and two I feel like the world is ending just because I never thought it was going to happen. Anyone else feel that way? yes, no, maybe so...
              When Dusk was a small itty bitty puppy he was the runt of the litter and was the one everyone seemed to bully, so he has always been kind of shy around new people, he is timid around new dogs and he has never been a cuddler. Dusk has some pretty hilarious stories of new dog and new people interactions that I will have to share sometime soon. Anyways Dusk loves, loves, loves to be pet and he is a real ham for attention when he knows you well enough, in fact the first trick he learned was his puppy hug. Puppy hug is literally where he stands on his hind legs and rest his front paws on your leg and enjoys some attention as seen in the photo below.
The famous puppy hug
photo was taken by  mariah simmons photography

         Dusk loves his puppy hugs but he has never been a kisser, in fact in the four years that I have had him he has never once licked me. Another thing that he never has been known to do is to cuddle with you, or sleep anywhere near a person. I tried my hardest when he was a puppy to convince him to sleep in my bed and cuddle with me. He would start out good, at the very, very end of the bed as far away from human reach as possible but would get down literally ten minutes later or as soon as I moved an inch. He just wasn't a fan of it. 
          Now keeping all of that in mind imagine how mind blown I was when over the last few weeks he has gone from sleeping at the end of my bed for two seconds and then getting down, to sleeping at the very end of my bed all night, to sleeping against my leg to completely cuddling. My dog has gone mad! But a good mad, I love it,I think I like the sense of security of him laying right beside me since we live by ourselves right now. 
          Since we live by ourselves we don't normally leave Columbia until Monday mornings now. Well on Monday morning I was up before Cole and had already packed all my stuff up. I went and got Dusk up and got him to follow me into Cole's room. I literally patted the bed once calling him up there to wake Cole up. The next thing I know dusk hops right up on the bed and shoves his cute little muzzle right under Cole's hand and woke him up. It was the most precious thing I had ever seen him do, and man do I wish I had a picture or video of it! 
With all that said I literally thought the world was going to end because my dog is officially a cuddler, I NEVER saw that coming!

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