Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reversed Buyers Remorse

Have you ever walked into a store, to just browse and fallen head over heals for a piece of clothing
...but you just couldn't justify paying the price at the time for the said article? 
I do it frequently.(like all the time!!)
 Obviously since I am a broke college kid, it doesn't take much for me to think it is to pricey at the moment.
 I normally am ok with that, and just move on. 
Well a few moths ago I fell in love with a skirt at target,

 it was on sale, 
but since it was part of the designer line, 3.1 Phillip Lim.
The line was featured previously,
 but even on sale it was still a bit out of my price range.
 I was also worried that I wouldn't get my money's worth out of it because of how bold the print was. 
 So I sucked it up and left without it.
 No big deal right.

Normally it isn't but this skirt is haunting me now.
 I have  seriously seen it on blogs and even a tv show recently.  
(twice just this week!) 
FYI, the tv show was Glee, and Unique was wearing it, and looked fierce! 
and man am I kicking myself for not buying it, 
because it looks stunning on every single person I have seen it on!
 I am having serious Reverse Buyers Remorse,
 you know when you really, really, wish you had bought the piece. 

all you ladies who own that skirt you rock it, 
because it looks fabulous!

So ladies, what is your biggest Reverse Buyers Remorse, what was it that you wished you had just bit the bullet and bought?

(ATTN: I have found out that although the store no longer carries the skirt, does still have it!Guess who will be buying this bad boy!) 

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