Saturday, January 11, 2014

My "Healthier Me" Plan

     I have a big tendency to get overwhelmed with school work during the semester, and the first seem that seems to fall off of my to-do list is working out along with eating healthy. I know it shouldn't but my stressed out mind thinks, why waste my time working out, and cooking healthy food when I have 8,034 things to do for school. My grades are the most important thing right now...but I need to stop thinking that way. My goal this semester is to kick that thought process.
            I am determined to keep my plan through the semester. Setting aside an hour during the day to go to the gym is not going to be affect my grades...if anything it will be a stress reliever, and help my mind focus on the tasks I have to complete.
             My goals for my Healthier Me Plan:

1.Go to the gym every day during the week.

  •  Cardio train to run a 5k.
  • Strength train to tone my muscles
2.  I also plan to keep track of my calorie intake, because lets be honest keeping track of calories allows me to enjoy my favorite foods. The key is to eat healthier food I like most of the time (like spinach, corn, and fruit) and enjoying a little bit of treats when my calorie intake for the day allows for it.

3. I want to do fun activities outdoors with Cole, and the babies when it stops raining/isn't freezing. I love taking walks as a family. I also really want to start playing volleyball more, and go hiking.

This plan is just to make myself a better me, but if I happen to lose a few pounds in the process that would be great, since Cole and my wedding is quickly approaching.

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