Saturday, January 11, 2014

Not What I Expected....

     When I started my last semester of school this week I was expecting classes and the impending pile of homework I will be facing shortly would be the focus of my worries this week. I was very, very wrong. The day I started classes I woke up with a sore shoulder and I was having slight difficulty taking deep breaths. I wasn't too concerned about it, I went to classes on Wednesday, and toughed it out through the day. However as the day went by the difficulty I was having taking deep breaths was getting worse, I felt like I was having trouble breathing and had shortness of breath. I was concerned that I might have the flu or pneumonia, but it was strange that I wasn't coughing or sneezing, I had absolutely no other symptoms other than shortness of breath. Wednesday night/Thursday morning I had a terrible night of sleep due to discomfort so Thursday morning I set up a doctors appointment to get it checked out because I was starting to worry. I went into the doctor at 10. I literally spent all day at different doctors, making me miss one of my classes. My regular doctor ruled on pneumonia, ran an EKG on me. She also decided I needed to go have a CAT scan done to rule out blood clots. I am a carrier for a blood clot disorder called Factor 5, which puts me at a higher risk of developing blood clots. Let the panic set in, I was pretty freaked out. So I went and got that done, and the results were good, I don't have a blood clot. Thank goodness. My doctor informed me that she is pretty sure I just have irritated lungs, that are swollen, making breathing deep painful, and causing my muscles to tense up in my shoulders causing the aching. My doctor however noticed some "normal" inconsistencies on the EKG as she said, and just wanted me to see a Cardiologist to make sure it wasn't being caused by an issue stemming from my Factor 5. So I had to miss my first class on Friday too, because I had to go to the cardiologist. I literally waited an hour and a half to see him, for him to tell me that there is nothing to worry about, and he doesn't want to run any tests. I was a bit annoyed when I was leaving. Well he ended up coming out to my car and informing me that he changed his mind and he does want to run a stress test on me. So I have ANOTHER appointment Thursday. Thankfully I won't have to miss another class for that appointment. So far it sounds like it is nothing serious, my lungs are just sore and painful for no reason...but I will be happy to have the stress test over with to be sure nothing is wrong. This week was definitely not what I was expecting, but I am happy that it hasn't been proven to be anything serious. My chest is starting to feel a lot better, and I am looking forward to going to class next week, and focusing on class.

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